Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Triple Bodies

Suddha Deham: is the pure physical body which become golden " in the physical body we realize the Love body". As soon as the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are far from impure illusions the supra mental forces are realized, they are called Karma Siddhis. This Siddhis are reached only when we attain Suddha Deham!

Pranava Deham: is the development of the Divine Godhead "in the subtle body we realize the Grace body" in divers traditions we can found the golden sphere presence which surrounds the head of a saint. Vallalar said that the psychic head is made of a very refined brain, the brain is called Omkara brain, the other brain which is more ordinary is called Ankara. The development of Omkara acts as a direct receptive station with the cosmic consciousness.

This station passes on the messages to the more gross brain. This type of development is only possible when the vital " the lower being" is not any more the master and that the mental is able to maintain certain purity. Letting the Divine consciousness enter in the brain, this one develop itself more and more. Each cells receive this message, the transformation is taking place. At this time it is possible to go beyond the divers veils of Maya.

This prospers and expensive body is also called Omkara body. The development of this body allow you to go beyond the establish gross principles of nature. The Subtle body starts to grow to the size of a golden mountain, the physical body transforms itself into the body of a five to eight years old child, the 64 siddhis become on the control of the yogi. This body can't be perceived by the touch and the sight.

Gnana Deham: is the transformation of the pranava body into a gnostic body " in the causal body we realize the felicity body" with the third eye function and his development the body eliminates all sorts of impurities and become almost invisible. Such a body appears like a fire ball or a fire pillar. With the practice of absolute compassion, this body receives Grace. This Grace allows him to obtain the same powers and qualities of God.

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